Monday, March 27, 2006


Here Comes MLS

This weekend marks the beginning of a new MLS campaign. And I'm happy to report that there's more interest than ever...which isn't saying a whole lot but at least it's a step in the right direction. I like the league a well enough; I'm just realistic that's it's not the EPL and it has a lot of competition for U.S. eyeballs. Here are some of the stories I'll be following closely...

1) Freddy Adu. In what will likely be his last season stateside (or half-season), can he put his mark on each and every game he plays? Last year, he probably had shining moments in half the games he played. That's not too shabby. But can he consistently make his mark in each and every game? I think he will.

2) Chicago's New Stadium. Why would I watch a stadium? Because it matters significantly in the casual fan's viewership. Soccer fanboys like me will watch even if the game is played in an empty swimming pool. But casual fans will watch and attend more often because of a venue. Fans love on-site amenities and a cozy atmosphere and TV viewers hate games in empty football stadiums. Just ask the L.A. Galaxy.

3) Red Bulls Front Office. Their free trip for fans to DC will be analyzed for a long time for its inventiveness and commitment to the fans. Do they have more tricks up their sleeves? They likely do but they will appear as tricks only if the team fails to perform. They have a crisis at striker and how they go about rebuilding will be scrutinized closely.

4) JOB. That's the handle for John O'Brien. LD (Landon Donovan) says JOB is the most skilled guy on the USMNT. In other words this guy can play...when healthy. I'm thrilled that we will get to watch him up close soon. Very soon.

5) World Cup Fever. Not every MLS game will have WC implications...but many will. Most teams have at least one player in the U.S. player pool. KC, NE, LA, Colorado, Columbus & DC will all be especially scrutinized for player progress and injuries. (Bostrom)

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