Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Stumbling Out Of The Gate

For me, it was a very average performance last night. I thought that we defended well and retained our shape throughout the match. Overall, our touch was poor which really showed in the final third. Because of Morocco's skill, speed and the fact that they had a lot of men back, we could not get any space to create. Even when we did get into space, their speed allowed them to close us out very quickly. The fact that we lost doesn't concern me as much as we just couldn't break them down. If you can't beat them, you need to at least win some fouls near the box and try to create scoring chances that way. They were a skilled side and they played well.
Cherundolo made a poor decision on the goal, he needs to put that ball into touch in a situation like that. He should know better, but I'm sure that he usually has enough speed to get by most other players, but the Moroccan player was able to cut him off and our goose was cooked after that. Albright is supposed to start on Friday night.
EJ has to put that header on target. It's not often that you can get a clean header like that in an international game. You only get a couple of good chances at this level and you need to cash them in when you do. Morocco had basically two and they were able to score on the second.
Disappointed to see Reyna get hurt, mostly because it seems like he needs to get more time with the first team. You really notice that he and LD have not played together much over the last 12 months. LD seemed play better once Pablo came in.
DMB had a great work rate, but you could see the rust on his game. He had no touch, whatsoever.
I thought that Bruce's best formation was the 5-3-2 he started the 2nd half with. I would not be surprised if we go with that formation more often as we have enough central defenders to play that way.
I like what Convey brings to that wingback position. Convey brings quality to the team and you could notice the difference once he came on the pitch. My Tivo stopped recording just as he approached that free kick in stoppage time. Luckily, my tuner was on the the same channel so I was able to rewind back through a WNBA game in order to see the result.
Who knew that MAR was the abbreviation for Morocco? Would have thought
that was the symbol for Martinique...what country is MOR?
I thought that field was very narrow...dumb decision to play a game in a football stadium. The lack of space was especially apparent when I realized how quick the Moroccans were. We couldn't use the width of the field to help break them down. I suppose in that way, it was helpful, it highlighted our weakness with our first touch and last touch. The team has to be very disappointed, angry and ready to play again Friday. Friday will probably bring wholesale substitutions in the starting lineup and the opponent will likely be weaker so it will be hard to compare the two games.
In the big picture of last night, I see us as a top 20 team and Morocco as a to 30 team. So the fact they played with us wasn't that surprising. However, it is a bit troubling when you realize they don't have Germany in a month. The played loose and I like their style. They were technically superior to us as a whole.
I kept thinking to myself...we're missing someone, wait till that person returns, and we'll be fine. Then I realized this was pretty much our best 11. (I'll happily take Gibbs over Lewis at LB even though Lewis' service is superior).
But the subs showed a lot...I thought Pablo played very well in the midfield, his defense was very good as usual and his passing was inspired at times. If Reyna can't go, I'm not that worried, in all honesty. But, there's no way we can leave Convey off the filed at this point. No way at all. I have felt this way for some time and now I'm sure of it. If Reyna can't go, then those minutes go to Convey. Easy choice for Bruce. (Technically Reyna's minutes will go to Pablo but then Bruce has to compensate for Reyna's missing offensive leadership with the Convey switch). Good point that LD plays a bit better with Pablo.
So...put Pablo and Convey in my best 11.
The switch to three backs was interesting. It pushed us forward and I liked trying Gooch out wide. He did alright for playing out of position but I would never play him there consistently. He got beat to the inside one time and then gave up a bad free kick. And the three back lineup was what killed us in the 90th minute. It put a defender as the lone back with an aggressive ball chaser. I've seen Pope fail for RSL in this situation and now I've seen Dolo cough up a big one. Lessons learned. I don't expect either to continue to make that mistake, especially Dolo. I have an unfounded fear that Gooch's cough up will occur in Germany seeing as they all seem to be taking their turn.
Even though DMB's touch was off, I thought his defense was superb. He tracked back and won numerous balls. But to put him in the middle in the 2nd half seemed unwise. Whenever he received the ball with his back to the defense, he seemed to just one touch it straight back so as to avoid getting hacked. I can't blame him but that shows why he should always be out wide.
So here's my 11
Dolo Pope Gooch Lewis
I call it my 4 1 1 1 1 1 1
If Reyna can go, I sit Pope and put Pablo back. I know that's radical but we just have to put our best 11 on the field.
i think espn spun the lie that morocco is MAR to cover over a typing error.
will beasley play the left back? i thot he was dangerous in the second half, which would be a case for mid, but some of his defensive plays taking the ball were amazing. he is fast enough to make runs and get back.
you guys are right, no one looked too sharp. can anyone control the ball? donovan should have used his left foot on obrien's (was it mcbride's?) chip in. he also should affect the friedel/lewis faux english voice for interviews, he sounds so whiny.
the goal would not have happened with gooch in the game. true it cherundolo made it possible, but the center back (couldn't tell if it was gibbs or pope) hung around the ball too long and should have moved to cover the free man earlier.
good pt about the cb mistake on the goal. I think eveyone was just so surprised that Dolo coughed it up.
You're right, LD's voice comes off as extremely whiny. Plus, I think that interview was shot like 3 mos ago. Couldn't they get more recent comments from him?
Pope was the center back on that play. Boose, you're right about Pope. He can get exposed when he doesn't have a partner in the middle or a holding mid just in front of him.
If Bruce is going to play that 5-3-2, I would play Boca/Gooch/Gibbs across the back. I put Dolo and Convey as wingbacks. The midfield three would be DMB/Pablo/Reyna. If Reyna's hurt, you plug in JOB. If JOB's hurt, perhaps Dempsey. LD plays up front with McBride. With LD's speed, he can come back further into midfield to receive the ball and then turn on the jets.
I liked the announcing team of JP and Harkes. They are so superior to the other teams. JP can be annoying when he constantly repeats which club teams, but at least he knows the game. Harkes has a good feel for the game and knows when to make a point.
Fritz, I'm glad you upped the ante on DMB's defensive performance. It really was nothing short of spectacular. His ball winning, in conjunction with Pablo, will mean many more chances for us in Germany. I'm not worried about his offensive game. It really wasn't that bad, he's still very fast and he goes down like a pro now to draw fouls.
I did like when Harkes shot down JP's "he's feeling as good as he ever has since the injury" ubiquitous comment. I don't remember who JP was referring to but it really doesn't matter. I was thinking the exact same thing when Harkes spoke up that that is the company line for everyone now so don't put too much faith in it.
Here's my wordy JOB speech. I think it must be said but just envision these thoughts as Vin Scully might deliver them:
In our midfield, er Gimpfield, we really have to see how JOB holds from game to game. I'm glad he went 45 minutes last night, seemed to have one knock that he very, very gingerly shook off and then played his game. But let's be real, here is his game now:
fans are shocked he's in the starting lineup
good pass
great pass
bad touch
good pass
took too much time, easily blindsided and ball stolen
great pass
looks sorta silly actually trying to make a run expecting a through ball
good pass
great pass
sub time and JOB's off for 3 hrs of post game treatment.
the general consensus seems to be we'll take that because there were three great passes thrown in there. There was also a giveaway or two but that compares equally when LD tries a great pass only to get it intercepted at the last second. But JOB might be the slowest player in the WC this summer. And I don't think the thought of dribbling really enters his mind much now. Maybe just to create a bit of space to unleash his next great through ball. I don't think he was ever slow, in fact in his buzz cut days he seemed like a speed missile at times, but now the long hair, laid pack, one touch pass out of the center is who we have. That's fine. I accept it and if he can just get to the WC I guess we have to be thankful. But can Chivas actually expect productivity out of him? That's not our concern. Even though JOB's not 30, this is his last Cup unless a miracle happens in four years. I'd be more surprised to see JOB in 2010 than Keller.
People are just happy to see JOB upright and running around for a half so we're more apt to overstate his performance. If you watch a player's every move, you can always find whatever signal that you're looking for that he: a) stinks or b) is playing well. I just remember in the 2002 WC, I had not really seen him play much up to that point and was so surprised to see how good he was. Perhaps he does need to go to the buzz cut.
If we can somehow make sure that at least he or Reyna are healthy for each game, that would be huge. Don't necessarily need them both at each game, just one or the other.