Friday, July 21, 2006
Back To Reality

Now that it's almost been a month since the end of the World Cup (or a couple weeks anyway), I'm finally getting into the swing of MLS again. But I still have a couple unanswered questions from the World Cup...
* Still can't get over the lack of criticism for Wayne Rooney's actions. Everyone in England seems co-dependent with his anger management issues. Maybe I missed something...
* The ratings for ESPN stateside were very good so it looks like lead announcer and soccer newbie Dave O'Brien will get to keep his gig, as amazing as that sounds. So I'll be watching to see if Dave shows any passion for the game during his MLS broadcasts or interviews. Here's a hint Dave: instead of bashing passionate soccer fans for being upset at a broadcaster that's just learning the game, admit you have a lot to learn but that you absolutely love this game. That will kill much of the criticism. Don't be an Alex Rodriguez and play everything right down the middle. You have that persona down pat. Now show some passion. Please!!!!
But on the homefront, here's what I'm looking forward to...
* Attending my first Fire game in person at the new Toyota Park. Sure ticket sales have been slower than anyone wanted, but the facility seems great and people are showing up. Saturday night, the Fire will do a very wise thing and put their game against DC United on local cable. While that may have cost them a few thousand at the gate, they desperately need to build awareness and what better way to show off the park than against the best MLS has to offer with Freddy and the boys. Or, more accurately, Jaime/Christian and the boys who every once and a while give Freddy the ball.
* Watching the travails of Landon Donovan. He's playing great and nobody cares because it's just the MLS and that's been pointed to as the root of all his problems. So, if he plays well, everyone says it won't translate to the international stage. And if he plays poorly, everyone will say that he's washed up after his WC '06 experience. So what's he doing...he's playing great and hopefully developing some thick skin. It will be fascinating to watch his national team development now that the bloom is off the rose and he has to impress a new coach. No, I'm not talking about how he'll play against CONCACAF opponents, but how he'll play against real competition, if we can ever get a good game in the next 12 months.
* Watching the stadium issues develop. In Salt Lake City, there's a lesson in Negotiations 101 going on. Both sides are playing hardball and the endgame is soon to come. Will be fun to watch. In New York, the future looks bright for a stadium but no one will really believe it until a shovel hits the ground. Now, the groundbreaking has been put off until the Spring because of a new and better plan. Yeah, right! The funny thing is that that might actually be true. We'll see. With Bruce Arena on board, that will help tremendously with the locals for credibility of the organization.
* South Jersey / Philly. I'll let George fill in the details, but more and more rumblings point towards a 2007 team with a move to the new Rowan stadium in '09. And shovels may actually hit the ground soon. Or not.
* If stadium issues don't get you excited (I admit a weakness for them...I've always been a big picture guy and nothing says more about the future of the league than these soccer/concert venues) than you can always focus on the start of the EPL season. After a couple globe-trotting tours to the USA and other locales, the EPL will start up in mid-August. That's just plain awesome.