Sunday, June 11, 2006


My Send Off

I leave in 3 hours for the U.S./Czech game but I'm having trouble packing as can't stop watching the morning World Cup games. But my secret is I'm not taking much. Just a passport and some face paint...that'd be a good look for me!

I played my last club game before the Cup yesterday afternoon and the boys of Inter Milan West had one of their finest victories ever in our fledgling history. While we are an improving lot, yesterday's 4-3 come-from-behind victory felt like we'd actually beaten the Czechs ourselves. And we won on an own goal in the last soccer at its finest! It was the perfect send off for me to go to the Germany.

My next post will be from Cologne. I sure hope U.S. fans (myself included) learn how to sing quickly. Otherwise, even if we win on the pitch, we're going to lose credibility in the stands. Ahhh...who cares, we don't have much credibility now in the eyes of the Euro elite (as fans or players) so we have nothing to lose.

My wife actually asked me (as I rapidly approach my 40's) not to get a tatoo or an earring while I'm in Germany. I had to explain to her that while I'm nuts about the World Cup, I'm not an English fan. (Bostrom)

Boys - Have a great time!!

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